Wednesday 3 April 2013

5 Tips on How to Store Woolen Clothes

The flowers are blooming to initiate the summer breeze and it is time to store your cozy winter wear. I know you must have started online shopping Chennai for summer apparels with your spree to buy women T-Shirt online by now but you need to store the woolens well to make space for the new clothes. Don’t forget that you will again need these warm fabrics next winter, so you need to store them properly and make sure they are not attacked by the moth.
  1. First of all, clean the woolens thoroughly as per the fabric’s nature. While a lot of pullovers and sweaters can be washed by hand or in machine, some coats, scarves and jackets strictly require dry cleaning.
  2. Once cleaned, place the clothing in airtight containers, plastic bags, zipped boxes etc.
  3. Ensure the safety of your clothing by adding some anti-moth balls or crystals inside the storage boxes. You may alternatively use natural repellents like black pepper, bay leaves, Neem leaves and mint leaves lavender crystals placed in sachet or even cloves.
  4. Finally, place the storage container in a cool, dry and clean place to avoid any infestations.
  5. If you find a cloth already infested by moths, throw it away or get it treated if possible from a professional and store it separately.
So once you are done with packing your warm and comforting coats, jerseys, stoles, scarves and sweaters, check out the latest collection of summer wear on Loot Bargain. It is the perfect time to t-shirts online shopping India region.

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